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Odor Cafe

Café Odor: A Sustainable Solution to Odor

Basement Charm with Sustainable Coffee and Matcha

Cafe Odor: A Sustainable Oasis in Berlin

Nestled just a stone's throw from Berlin's bustling Kurfürstenstraße, Café Odor invites you into a cozy living room-like atmosphere. But behind its charming facade lies a hidden gem: a commitment to sustainability through an innovative use of coffee grounds.

Café Odor's Sustainable Twist

Café Odor believes in the power of upcycling, transforming used coffee grounds into a sustainable solution to odor. Their unique nano coffee ground yarn absorbs odors, releasing them when exposed to sunlight or cleaned with water. This innovative approach not only reduces waste but also creates a more odor-free environment.

Coffee and Matcha with a Purpose

At Café Odor, sustainability extends beyond the walls of their café. Their delicious coffee and matcha creations are not only palate-pleasing but also play a role in their environmental mission. By using locally sourced ingredients and reducing plastic waste, they minimize their impact on the planet while providing a memorable experience for their customers.

A Cozy Retreat with a Conscience

Step into Café Odor and let the charming ambiance and sustainable practices envelope you. Whether you're seeking a quiet corner to work or a cozy spot to catch up with friends, Café Odor is the perfect destination. Enjoy their delectable coffee and matcha while feeling good about supporting a business that gives back to the community and the environment.

Follow Café Odor on Instagram at @cafe_odor_berlin for updates and a glimpse into their sustainable journey.


