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North Korea Population 1945


North Korea's Population Dynamics: A Comprehensive Overview

Historical Trends and United Nations Projections

North Korea's population has undergone significant changes over the decades. From 1950 to 2024, its population has steadily increased, as per the data presented in the chart and table below. The United Nations has also provided projections for the country's population growth until 2024.

Impact of the Korean Division

The division of Korea, which commenced on August 15, 1945, following Japan's surrender, has had a profound impact on the country's population dynamics. The initial separation and subsequent Cold War rivalry between North and South Korea have led to distinct population trends in both regions.

Interplay of Ideology and Scholarship

In North Korea, the mutual entanglement of state ideologies and scholarly work on the country has been a notable phenomenon. The government's tight control over information and dissemination has influenced the content and perspectives presented in academic research on the nation.

